reede, august 17, 2007

Värvipakk 2

Mina sain ka oma paki täna kätte. Oi kui vahvaid asju seal oli. Fimo pärleid ja päris pärleid ja dumle sokolaad, mis on üks mu lemmikuid ning riide värvid. Ja tulevase aia jaoks lille seemend. Jassi poldud ka unustatud ja tema sai ehitusele kühvli ja reha. No ja loomulikult oli seal lõnga. See sätendav lõng maitses Jassile väga. Lõhnaseebist, viirukist ja ilusast punasest rätikust me ei räägigi.

Paki tegija on ise Tartust. Ja mul on kahtlane tunne, et selliseid pärleid olen ma Elsa kodukal näinud. Aga ma pole veel väga kindel selles. Peab kaevama :)

Ja minu pakk nägi välja selline. Peab ju asja veidi lihtsamaks tegema.
Estonians had their own color package swap. And redone is what I got and blue one is what I sent.

neljapäev, august 16, 2007

Kirgilik lapitöö

Jälle on ilmunud üks raamat, mille tõlkimises mind süüdistada võib :) Raamat mulle täitsa meeldis. Muidu poleks ju tõlkinudki.

This is book I translated.

SP 11 questions

SP 11 Questions
1. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with? What fibers do you absolutely *not* like?

I prefere natural fibers, but if tehre are something interesting for effect then I use it. But merino, alpaca, angora and silk are my fawourites. But if tehre are something interesting like camel or dog wool I would like to try them too. My recent discoveri is bamboo and sisal wools. And I have heard about yarn made of milk.

I would like to try some novelty yarns for making shetland scarf.

2. What do you use to store your needles/hooks in?

Husband made me really beautiful box for my needles and hooks. My engagement ring was in it. Other needles are around the flat with UFOs.

3. How long have you been knitting & how did you learn? Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced?

I have been crocheting and knitting since childhood. So I cud consider myself advanced knitter. I also attend some classes to get degree of professional crafter. but this is not finished yet. Building the house and my son are taking my spare time ;) not that I complain much.

4. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list?
Yes I have wish list.

5. What's your favorite scent?
Something tropical

6. Do you have a sweet tooth? Favorite candy?
Chocolate is my favourite. But I am willing to try anithing new and interesting. Especially if it is traditional or typical to the country my pal is living.

7. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do? Do you spin?
Oh well... There are so many things I have tried or like to do. If I only have enough time to do them all. I do knitting, crocheting, bobbin lace, different types of felting, pachwork, tatting, beadwork, needlepoint, macrame, weaving, silk painting, sewing, quilting, folk art. I like to combine different styles and materials. I own quite lot of books about Estonian folc clothes and patterns. Also I have tryed to do shirdak capets (Tykmenistan felted carpets). Also I'm interested in old clothes and costume history. I do them for the dolls. And cloth dolls and waldorf dolls is my late passion. Now I can make them for my child. but the materilas for making them are not easy to get here. So if my pal can send me some doll face making cloth I would be grateful.

8. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD)

I listen almost everything. It depends on mood. I mostly listen classical music and musicals. I like Strauss, Edvard Grieg, Webber. Also I like Gipsy music and Irish music. And I like rock like Queen, Alice Cooper and Manowar.

9. What's your favorite color(s)? Any colors you just can't stand?
I love bright colors red, blue, yellow and gereen. But I also like natural nature colors. all kinds of shades. I dont stand gray. I like to combine different colors and materials. In north, where most of the winter is dark I like when colors give energy and light. But if there are some fine silk or merino lace weight yarn, then also white, cream, natural white and black are good.

10. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets?
I'm married and we have a 4 months old son. hmm and our motorbices can count as pets I guess ;)

11. Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens or ponchos?
yes I do.

12. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit?
sweathers and maby some baby clothes from now on :)

13. What are you knitting right now?
I crochet some doll furniture and starting to knit hat and scarf

14. Do you like to receive handmade gifts?

15. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Bamboo, aluminum, plastic?
I prefere circular needles. Short circular needles are really good. Especailly 40-50 cm needels. If needed, others too. And I prefere bamboo.

16. Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift?
I have yarn winder but I dont know how to use it yet

17. How old is your oldest UFO?
Socks from 1994. It was school work and they are still somewhere

18. What is your favorite holiday?
My favorite holiday is midsummers day and Christmas.

19. Is there anything that you collect?
I collect bobbin-lace bobbins and thimbles. And I own library of craft books almost :) I just love books. I just can't enough of craft books. Even if they are not in estonian or english. Fine pictures and printed patterns are world wide usable. And usually local patterns and national clothes are so beautiful and colorful.

20. Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have?
List will be on separate page soon :P Kidding. I woul like books and they are so many that I like. See my big amazon list and I add something there almost every day.Some patterns form Annies Attic I would like. But there is problem, because they don't send them to Europa. So if my pal is form US or Canada then you could help me.I have Vogue knitting and Novita subscription

21. Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn?
I would like to learn weaving properly. I would like to do my own set of national clothes. And dresses are there quite beautiful and colorful.

22. Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements?
I do them sometimes. my foot is 37 in Europ

23. When is your birthday?
My birthday is on 2 of april

24. Are you on Ravelry? If so, what's your ID?
No. Waiting list only :S

Ausõna ma teen käsitööd/ I honestly don't build all the time

Päriselt ka. Mulle on antud mõned vabad tunnid. Majaehitusega saavad töömehed õnneks ise hakkam ;) ja mina hoian heegelnõela kindlalt käes ja vihun nüüd ruttu uusi asju teha. See pusa on minu käsitöö nurk praegu.

Ise ma ka imestan, et kust paganat see aeg küll tuleb. Maja ehitamise alguses oli tunne, et nüüd küll enam oma elu ja hobide ning töö jaoks aega ei leia. Hea kui laps vahepeal kergelt kasvatatud saab ;) aga nüüd on nagu kõik alad kaetud. Ja nii mõnus on vaadata nende müüride vahel, et näe siia tuleb minu õmblusmasin ja sinna paneme oma mootorrattad ning isegi suur köök ja oma saun saab olema

. Aga jah... maja ehitus ei ole kergete killast. Tarmo on juba 5 kg alla võtnud. Ja mingi müstika on nende materjalidega. Mõõdad seina üle ja arvutad välja palju sul materjali vaja läheb. Ostad materjali ära ja siis jääb seda üle. palju jääb üle. Kuidas see võimalik on? Aru ei saa. Näiteks meie Rakverest kohale tassitud U-blokk jääb üle. Mitte küll kõik. Rakverre oleks pidanud niikuinii sõitma, aga üle jääb teda ikkagi. Ja me võtsime teda nii täpselt.

Aga maja ehitamine paneb näpud nii sügelema käsitöö järele. Tahaks juba kangakudumise kursusele minna ja vanaema teljed üles panna. aga kuhu sa 2 toalises korteris need teljed paned. Eriti kui kapid ja nurgad on kilode ja meetrite kaupa lõnga ja kangast täis.

I honestly crochet too. Now I have little break from building the house and I do some work. There is picture about my latest project. But building the house is giving me so many hopes. Soon I will be able to put my grandmothers weaving machine up and weave some carpets. And I will have my own craft room. When house is ready there must be quite lot of time, when I can knit and crochet and do bobbinlace and weave.

I have so many new ideas what I would like to try. Would like to try out some new bobbin laceses and make some new waldorf dolls for my son and would like to knit some new sweathers to my husband and myself. And christmas will be soon... well, I wish I had more time, but I have to manage ongly 24 h.

teisipäev, august 14, 2007

maja ehitus / building the house

Ikka veel ehitame. Täna näiteks käisime Rakveres U-blokke toomas. TUnne oli nagu nõuka ajal, kus midagi saada pole. Tallinnas on kõik otsas ja tehasest toodetakse suurt Läti tellimust. Seega on vaja mujalt otsida. ÕNneks sai Hagari pitsas kõhu sooja sööki täis. Aga mina kaarutan ikka kanalisatsioonitorude, tsemendi ja lapsega mööda linna ringi. Vahest satub isegi heegelnõel kätte. Tööd on ju ka vaja teha. Pea on mõtteid täis, aga ma ei kujuta küll ette, mis moodi ma selle aja maja ehitamise kõrvalt leida võiks. Augu lasime ka kaevata. Tiiki tahame saada, et saaks saunast vette ja äkki mõne vesiroosi ka kuhugi serva veel.

Jass on meil aga eriti tubli. Ta teeb kõik minu reisid kaasa ja ei kurda üldse. PIgem lehvitab igale tunkedes mehele kes ette satub rõõmsalt. Aga kui ära väsib, ei ole häiriv ka 10 m eemal müdistav traktor.

Nii aga proovitakse järgi, kas tulevane WC on õige mõõduga või mitte.
Still building. I have so many ideas what to do, but just don't have enough time. I don't imagine when I will have. Hopefully soon. I honestly crochet some things, but I unfortunately can't show. They are for magazine and it will be next year when it is ready.
Here are some pictures about our house and my really tired son and husband who is trying out if the new toilet is in right size. It was fortunately ;) And we will have pond to swim in and maybe some water flowers to put in. You can't imagine how beautiful my garden is in my mind. And how big craft room I will have in the house...

kolmapäev, august 08, 2007

Vesi majas/water in the house

Täna saime vee majasse :) seinal on toru mille otsas on kraan. vinge igatahes. Pilti saab homme. Praegu tehakse maja ümbrust korda ja tiigi kaevasime ka ära. Meje Jasperiga aga sõidame käru ja 6 m torudega mööda ilma ringi. Täna näiteks veetsime päeva Febi ja Onnineni torupoodides. Üks neist väitis et sellist toru pole olemas, teine aga, et on. Tootja väitis, et saab aga kalli raha eest eritellimusega soomest. Andsime alla ja imelist toru ei pane. Paneme tavalise 110 toru nii köögi kui üldise kanalisatsiooni jaoks.

Ja Kalle on ka hästi tubli. Ta käib meil õhtuti käru keeramas. TÄna anti mulle laenutusest eriline lennuväli kaasa. Arvata võib, et oskajad lendurid, kes laevadele maanduvad, maanduksid sellele ka. käru pikkus oli 5925 ja laius 2260 mm. Ja hommikuti lehvitab Jass Ramirendis töömeestele rõõmsalt. Vaene Tarmo aga arvutab päeval minu jaoks vajaminevaid ehitusmaterjale välja, õhtul ja pool ööd teeb tööd ja siis öösel vee mõtleb järgmise päeva tööde kava välja. Magamise peale tal vist üldse aega ei jää. Jääb vaid loota, et maja saab kiirelt valmis ja Tarmo saab varsti magada rahulikult oma uues kodus.
Ja ausõna ma teen natuke käsitööd ka :)

Our new home is growing and I am the overseer. I have to bring materials and other things and so we are Driveing with my son along the building shops. my son already waves to the rental firm workers and smiles to shop keepers. and I just have to thank my husband, who is so busy thinking about house and also works. I dont know when he sleeps. And I also do some craft tihngs too. They are going to the next year magazine.

reede, august 03, 2007

Raport majast

Eile sai maja endale sillused pea kõigi akende ja uste kohale. Vaheseinte ladumiseks läks täna. Aga hoolimata sellest, et eile varakult õhtale sai krundil istusime me ikka kella 10ni garaazis. nimelt õnnestus minul käru ratta koobas uste vahele kinni kiiluda. küll väikese hoo pealt aga koobas oli suhteliselt kortsus ja mina päris suuresti ehmatanud. Tarmo õnneks on osav pleki väänaja ja täna võeti käru ilusti laenutuses tagasi.

kolmapäev, august 01, 2007

majakene künka peal

nii kaugele on täna õhtuks asi jõudnud. homme tõstetakse akendele sillused peale. Isegi eemalt künka alt paistab nüüd maja välja esimest korda. Aga meie Jasperiga jookseme ikka tööriista laenutustes, sõidame käruga mööda linna ja orgunnime ehitusele kraanasid ning ekskavaatoreid. huvitav on meil.