kolmapäev, mai 31, 2006

Lapsed ja emad/ babys and mothers

Naljakas see emadus. Kõik nagu korras. Ei iivelda, ei ole väga suurt väsimust ja siis saad kuskilt nohu ning köha ja kohutav paanika lahti kohe. Ja kes mõtles enne, et mina olen rahulik, mõistlik ja mõistusega inimene ja ei pabista tühja tähja pärast. Aga näe ei anna rahu. Kui ikka põnn otsustab juba 15+ nädalal endast märku anda kohatise puksimisega ja siis peale nohu/köha rallit on vaikus majas on paanika platsis. Ja eks siis tulebki jalad selga võtta ja arstile igaks juhuks minna. Õnneks on mul väga vahva ja arusaaja arst dr Nääb. Ja nii ta siis eile näitaski, et põnn täitsa olemas, süda lööb mis kole ja vähemalt 4 sõrme on ühel käel olemas. Vend naeris, et nagu Simpsonid. Kahju vaid, et mees kaasa ei saanud see kord tulla. Aga ma ehmatasin ta selle 4 sõrme jutuga väga ära. Ta nimelt arvas, et rohkem näppe polegi. Aga ju ikka on kuskil peidus :) Ja siis nägi ta pildil veel mingit poiste eritunnust, aga ma naersin, et küljelt tehtud pildil vaevalt sul mingeid tunnuseid näha on. Igatahes istub ta seal ilusti selg vastu seina põlved veidi krõnksus ja on eluga rahul. Ja nüüd toksib jälle vahest mind kergelt.

Ja üldse see lapse kasvamine üks kahtlane tegevus. Kui ta on suutnud nädalaks 16+ kasvada 17 cm pikkuseks siis see teeb praktiliselt 1 cm nädalas. Mõtle kui ise ka nii kasvaks. Kuskilt on meelde jäänud ütlus, et kui laps kasvaks sama kiiresti edasi 1 eluaasta jooksul, kui ta kasvab oma esimestel 3 elukuul, siis oleks ta aastaselt 60 kg raske. Uhh.

I had some worries about the baby last weekend because I got cold and had terrible throat aces. So yesterday I went to se a doctor. And she is really nicea. She showed me in ultrasound that babys hart is still beating like little engine and everyting is OK. I even saw 4 fingers. I thing one is hidden somewhere. And baby is growing. She is 17 cm long now. It is 1 cm for every week almost.

esmaspäev, mai 29, 2006


World Wide KIP

Ka meie võtame osa sellisest toredast üritusest. Tammsaare pargis siis kogunemine ja loodame, et meile ei tehta märkust kordineerimatu kogunemise osas. Rahumeelsed varraste klõbistajad on ju väga mitte poliitilised ja äärmisel juhul võiks me lammaste elukvaliteedi tõstimse pärast kisa tõsta ja nõuda paksema ja pikema villaga lambaid :)

So. Estonian team will also gather and we hope we don't get any troubles because of the public gathering. Last weeks are quite interesting, because we have some problems with some old statues symbolising Soviet Uninon occupation. Some people thing this kind of statues don't belong to the city centre but some think they should stay. Now Police has declared that no one can't go and keep a meeting near the Bronz solder. But we knitters are quite calm corwd and only thing we could claim about is sheeps rights and we could demand longer and thiker woolled sheeps :)

reede, mai 26, 2006

Käekoti sisu/ purse

Kuna Aet arvas, et ma võiks oma käekoti sisu revideerida, siis ma võiks ju sinna sisse vaadata. Väljast paistab mu kott päris väike, aga sisse mahub kohati palju. praegu siis
1. Maja põhiplaani visand et saaks projekteerima hakata
2. kaks pastakat
3. üks kastan
4. üks nr 3 heegelnõel metallist
5. SUUR rahakott
6. Raseda kaart
7. telefon
8. taskurätte
9. suur aidamehe võtmete kimp

Aga samas on mu kotis olnud ka metallpuuri komplekte, tavotti mootorrattale, nr 13 mutrivõti ja muid vajalikke jubinaid. Tihti eksib sinna ka tokk villa või puuvilla.

Et kes siis edasi seda jada jätkaks. NO Inx võiks oma koti sisu teistega jagada ja ematehnik ka.

We hav a campain to tell others what is in your purse. My purse is quite small but inside are quite lot of things.
1. Drawing about how we should do our house
2. two pens
3. one chestnut
4. one metal nr 3 crochet hook
5. BIG wallet
6. Pregnancy registration card
7. Phone
8. some tissues
9. Big bunch of keys

But there have been some wrenches, grease for motorcycle, some yarn and so one

teisipäev, mai 23, 2006

Elu / Life

Nii palju asju on mille pärast võiks natuke norida, norutada ja vihastada. Et okupatsiooni monument on seal kus ta on. Et Eesti lippu veeti nagu mingit kaltsu. Et inimesed ei saa haigekassalt raha kuigi nende elujanu ja lootused on kõrgel. Et presidendi kandidaatideks on sellised mehed nagu nad on. Aga kui proovida neid suuri asju parandama hakata siis ei jõua kuhugi. Seega tuleb alustada väikestest asjadest enda ümber.

Seega teen jõudumööda kodus ajakirjade sügise, talve projekte. Alustasin Secret Pal 8 ga. Lõpetasin edukalt kevadise sessi ühe 3, ühe 5, ühe arvestuse ja ühe veel teadmata aga lootustandvalt 5ga. Kasvan vaikselt laiusesse ja olen ise ülimalt rahul sellega. Kuigi kilosid juures ju vaid 2. Otsime aktiivselt oma kodu jaoks krunti. Ja planeerime suvist ringreisi Slovakkia mägedesse. Päästa poes väikesi lapsi autoteele jooksmast, sest vaene ema on lapse silmist kaotanud, kui kõiki oma kotte ja tavaari sülle ladus. Oh loodan, et mu laps nii jalga ei lase, aga samas olime me emaga suht sarnaselt riides. Hea et märkasin ja põnn, vaevu vist 1,5 aastane oli ka vapper ja ei ehmatanud minu peale ära. Ühesõnaga tegevusi palju. Ja seega kui neid teha võiks ju minu ümber olev väike maailm veidi paraneda.

I have so many big things to worry and be angry about. That the monument of soviet union is still in our capital centre. That Estonian flag was treated like some kind of rag. That helthcare dont support those who has will to live and are willing to train and develop. That candidates for president elections are those who they are. But if I try to fix these things I can't do much. So start with little things in your life.

So I do and finish projects for autumn and winter for magazines. Started with Secret Pal 8. Finished successfuly exams in university this year with, one 5, one 3, one passed and one hopefully also 5. Im growing slowly in width and I am really happy with that. I only have 2 kg more but I have 5 months to go :) We are looking place to build our own house. Planning summer vacation in Slovakkia Tatra mountains. Saving small children from running to the road´, bevause mother and I weared same clothing and he, only 1,5 years old, mistakenly took me as his mother and got lost. So I'm buisy. And if I finish these all, my world will be really good around me. Maybe then big things and saving the world:)

teisipäev, mai 16, 2006

Euroviisud/ Eurovision

Ma ei saa mitte vaiki olla. Eriti kui lausa selline kampaania ka lahti löödud on. Mina kahe käega poolt ja loomulikult hääletan ma naabrite soomlaste ja Lordi poolt. Täpsem inf on kirjas siin ja video nähtav siin.

I just cant be quiet. Especially when this kind of campein is open. I am really pro of that and wote for them. Finland is afterall our naibor and Lordi really great. Info is here and videohere.

kolmapäev, mai 10, 2006


Well. Lets start with another Secret Pal session. And I think my answers are almost the same as last time. But lets see

1. Are you a yarn snob (do you prefer higher quality and/or natural fibers)? Do you avoid Red Heart and Lion Brand?Yes I am yarn snob. I prefere natural fibers, but if tehre are something interesting for effect then I use it. But merino, alpaca, angora, silk, linen and cotton are my fawourites. But if tehre are something interesting like camel or dog wool I would like to try them too.

2. Do you spin? Crochet?
I crochet and love bobbin lace. I knit and do pach work. I felt and needle felt. I have my grandmothers spinningwheel but I dont know how to use it yet.

3. What do you use to store your needles/hooks in?
Husband made me really beautiful box for my needles and hooks. My engagement ring was in it. Other needles are around the flat with UFOs.

4. How long have you been knitting? Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced?
I have been crocheting and knitting since childhood. So I cud consider myself advanced knitter. I also attend some classes to get degree of professional crafter.

5. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list?
Yes I have wish list.

6. What's your favorite scent? (for candles, bath products etc.)
Something tropical

7. Do you have a sweet tooth? Favorite candy?
Chocolate is my favourite. But I am willing to try anithing new

8. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do?
Oh well... There are so many things I have tried or like to do. If I only have enough time to do them all. I do knitting, crocheting, bobbin lace, different types of felting, pachwork, tatting, beadwork, needlepoint, macrame, weaving, tatting, silk painting, sewing, quilting, folk art. I like to combine different styles and materials. I own quite lot of books about Estonian folc clothes and patterns. Also I have tryed to do shirdak capets (Tykmenistan felted carpets). Also I'm interested in old clothes and costume history. I do them for the dolls.

9. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD)
I listen almost everything. It depends on mood. I mostly listen classical music and musicals. I like Strauss, Edvard Grieg, Webber. Also I like Gipsy music and Irish music. And I like rock like Queen, Alice Cooper and Manowar.

10. What's your favorite color? Or--do you have a color family/season/palette you prefer? Any colors you just can't stand?
I love bright colors red blue and gereen. But I also like natural nature colors. all kinds of shades. I dont stand gray. I like to combine different colors and materials. In north, where most of the winter is dark I like when colors give energy and light.

11. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets?
I'm married, expecting a child on 13 of November and no pets.

12. Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens or ponchos?
yes I do. I do them myself.

13. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with?
Merino, alpaca, cashmere, angora wool. No particular brand.

14. What fibers do you absolutely *not* like?
acryle in large amounts. If thei are for effect then OK. When wool consist over 50% synthetic fiber then it is not so good. If yarn feels cold and not so soft then it is not for me.

15. What is/are your current knitting obsessions?
I would like to try shadow knitting. If I only had time.

16. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit?
sweathers and maby some baby clothes from now on :)

17. What are you knitting right now?
I knti mittens for magazine.

18. Do you like to receive handmade gifts?

19. Do you prefer straight or circular needles?
I prefere circular needles. Short circular needles are really good. Especailly 40-50 cm needels. If needed, others too

20. Bamboo, aluminum, plastic?
Bamboo is my fawourite. They are worm and dont slip away while knitting. Also I like crochet hooks made of wood or bamboo or bone. My fater made me 2 woden hooks and they are greate. Unfortunately here we don't have so many bamboo or woden supplys. Just palastic and metal.

21. Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift?

22. How did you learn to knit?
from my mother. And some more in school but I hated it in there. I don't do anithing if they sai you MUST do it. I wold like to create myself. Then I forgoted it for long years and discovered again when I was at university. Now crafts are my obsession :)

23. How old is your oldest UFO?
Socks from 1994. It was school work and they are still somewhere.

24. What is your favorite animated character or a favorite animal/bird?
My favourite animal is tiger and bird eagle.

25. What is your favorite holiday?
My favorite holiday is midsummers day.

26. Is there anything that you collect?
I collect bobbins and thimbles. And I own library of craft books almost :) I just love books.

27. What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have?
Vogue knitting, Novita

28. Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on?
List will be on separate page soon :P Kidding. I woul like books and they are so many that I like. See my big amazon list and I add something there almost every day.
Folk Hats : 32 Knitting Patterns & Tales from Around the World (Folk Knitting series) by Vicki Square
Medieval Tailor's Assistant: Making Common Garments 1200-1500 by Sarah Thursfield
Shadow Knitting by Vivian Høxbro
Princess Lace and Other Traditional Techniques by Doris Campbell Preston
And I just can go on and on with the list. Just about everyting about national cloths from different coutrys. STOP NOW

29. Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn?
I would like to learn weaving properly. I would like to do my own set of national clothes. And dresses are there quite beautiful and colorful.

30. Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements?
I do them sometimes. my foot is 37 in Europ

31. When is your birthday? (mm/dd)

My birthday is on 2 of april

kolmapäev, mai 03, 2006

nädalavahetus / Weekend

Ja tegelikult oli nädalavahetus ka väga vahva. Kõigepealt sain kätte osa oma sünnipäeva kingist. See hunnik raamatuid siis nüüd minu ja mina väga väga rahul. Sinine on veidi liiga intensiivne aga teine värv täitsa OK.

Teine vahva asi oli pakk Inglismaalt minu SP7 hellitatavalt. Ta saatis mulle tänutäheks veidi fantastilist kirjut lõnga ja väga head sokolaadi ning ühe vahva kaltsunuku mustri ka.

Ja lõpuks tuli minu teine SP7 sõber, kes mind hellitas kingitustega, eestisse. See oli tõeliselg vahva. Saime tema hotellis kokku siis Sokolaadi kohvik Vene tänaval. Siis Katariina gild ja lõpuks 4 tundi mööda vanalinna ja käsitöö poode. Ja loomulikult käisime me eesti kästiöö poodides. Mida ta ostis ja tegi on näha siit.

Actually weekend was really greate. Firstly I got my late birthday present. This pile of books is now mine and I'm really satisfied.

Secondly was pacage from England from my SP7 friend. She sent me some fantastic colored wool and some good chocolate and one great ragdoll pattern to. Thanks Sue.

And finaly my SP7 spoiler visited Estonia. This was totaly great. First we met in hotel and then Chocolate caffe and then Tallinn old town and craft shops. What she saw and what we did you can read here.

Meie / We

Ok ok. Kuna kõik siin juba pikemat aega oletusi teevad siis ma võin neid ju kinnitada. Nimelt jah me ootame oma esimest pisikest. See on ka põhjuseks, miks ma viimasel ajal eriti midagi ei tee. Igatahes on ta minu arvates tüdruk ja mehe arvates poiss. Kuigi ega me tegelikult ei tea. Vara ju veel ka ning ega enne niikuinii kindel olla ei saa kui ta meiega on. Igatahes on tal minu nina - suur selline :) See oli esimene kord kui ma teda eile ultrahelis nägin. Eelmine kord nägi vaid mees südame lööke. Mulle ei nädatudki.

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Ok. I can reveal to all now I think. We are expecting our first baby in November. And that is the reason why I don't do much lately. Yesterday we saw baby in ultrasound monitor. I would call her She but my husband He :) Actually we don't know yet. She's got my nose - big one. This was my first time to see her. Last time only my husband saw hartbeats.